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{BOOK} I Was Raped (And I Still Don't Want to Talk About It)

I was raped
I was raped. (Image Credit - Pixabay)

It's said that the truth can never be buried.

And some events can never be forgotten no matter how many suns have risen and fallen on the horizon.

This is the story of how I was raped.

My high school days weren't lacking of parties and tons of other exciting activities that keep our young blood hot and our hearts pumping faster.

It's in one of these social gatherings that I met a rapist. My rapist.

Just like a magnet, everyone adored and respected him because of his great skill in basketball. People said that he would move mountains if he took it as a professional career.

What's more? He didn't have any flaw if we don't include the fact that his academic reports are nothing to be proud of.

And I liked him. That's the truth.

The reason for this for that I was obsessed with the idea of being "that" popular girl. And the easiest and fastest way to attain this feat is to be the chick of the star.

Before the party had gotten hot enough, I was already drunk. And he requested that I accompany him to get something he forgot at home. I agreed and staggered as I walked behind him out of the building.

When we got to his house, no one was at home.

He made a show of looking for something in the family room before turning suddenly and pushing me down on the sofa close by.

In a flash, he pulled down my pants and went into me with his thing. He went in hard and fast. I was weak and tried pushing off feebly.

I remembered telling him no. I remembered telling him to stop. But none of that mattered.

He was soon done and satisfied. He zipped up and I wore my pants back.

As we headed back to the party, the silence between us was heavy and awkward.

Later that night, I danced with him when it was time for it. I had a huge smile on my face in order to prevent people from noticing that anything went wrong.

Apart from trying to maintain the "I am not weighed down" attitude, I was highly worried of the possibility of my being pregnant.

When I found my period, a heavy burden was lifted off my shoulders. I also went for test on STD's which came out clean, fortunately.

Up till this day, no one heard the story.
